Power Programmierung
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95 lines
* File......: ANoMatch.Prg
* Author....: David Husnian
* Date......: $Date: 15 Aug 1991 23:02:44 $
* Revision..: $Revision: 1.2 $
* Log file..: $Logfile: E:/nanfor/src/anomatch.prv $
* This is an original work by David Husnian and is placed in the
* public domain.
* Modification history:
* ---------------------
* $Log: E:/nanfor/src/anomatch.prv $
* Rev 1.2 15 Aug 1991 23:02:44 GLENN
* Forest Belt proofread/edited/cleaned up doc
* Rev 1.1 14 Jun 1991 19:50:52 GLENN
* Minor edit to file header
* Rev 1.0 01 Apr 1991 01:00:32 GLENN
* Nanforum Toolkit
/* $DOC$
* Array
* Find the number of array elements meeting a condition
* FT_ANOMATCHES( <aArray>, <bCompareBlock> ;
* [, <nStartIndex> [, <nEndIndex> ] ] ) -> nNoOfMatches
* <aArray> is the array to be searched
* <bCompareBlock> is a code block containing the expression for
* the array elements to be tested with. Each element is passed
* as a parameter to the block. If the block returns .T., the
* number of matches will be incremented by one.
* <nStartIndex> is the first array item to include in the search,
* defaults to first element.
* <nEndIndex> is the last array element to include in the search,
* defaults to all elements.
* The number of elements that cause the code block to return .T.
* This function returns the number of array elements that, when passed
* to the supplied code block, cause that code block to return a .T. value.
* // Search the Entire Array
* FT_ANOMATCHES(aTries, { | x | x <= 100 } )
* // Search from the 5th Element On
* FT_ANOMATCHES(aCodes, { | x | UPPER(x) == cCurrentCode }, 5)
* // Search the 1st 10 Elements
* FT_ANOMATCHES(aDates, { | x | IS_BETWEEN(DATE()-7,x,DATE() + 7) }, 10)
* // Search Elements 5-10
* FT_ANOMATCHES(aNames, { | x | x <= cLastGoodName }, 5, 10)
* $END$
#define FORCE_BETWEEN(x,y,z) (y := MAX(MIN(y,z),x))
#command DEFAULT <Param1> TO <Def1> [, <ParamN> TO <DefN> ] ;
=> ;
<Param1> := IF(<Param1> == NIL,<Def1>,<Param1>) ;
[; <ParamN> := IF(<ParamN> == NIL,<DefN>,<ParamN>)]
FUNCTION FT_ANOMATCHES(aArray, bCompareBlock, nStartIndex, nEndIndex)
LOCAL nNoOfMatches := 0 // Number of Matches Found
DEFAULT nStartIndex TO 1, ;
nEndIndex TO LEN(aArray)
// Make Sure Bounds are in Range
FORCE_BETWEEN(1, nEndIndex, LEN(aArray))
FORCE_BETWEEN(1, nStartIndex, nEndIndex)
AEVAL(aArray, ;
{ | xElement | ;
IIF(EVAL(bCompareBlock, xElement), nNoOfMatches++, NIL) }, ;
nStartIndex, nEndIndex - nStartIndex + 1)
RETURN (nNoOfMatches) // FT_ANoMatches